Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Mast radiators, as with all added accessories assuming over 42 volts on apparent apparatus aural 4 metres of the ground,where? are appropriate to be belted in. Sometimes board fences are acclimated in adjustment to anticipate arresting interference, which could action due to currents induced by radio signals in brownish fences. If the mast radiator is army on the top of the braid building, which have to be over four metres in height; or the mast is grounded, with the augment getting amid not beneath than four metres aloft the ground, a fence is not required. Nevertheless it is consistently recommended to fence in any mast radiator in adjustment to anticipate crooked climbing.

edit Accessory connections

A mast radiator may charge assorted electrical access added than the transmitter augment line. Such access cover changeless cesspool chokes for lightning protection, ability food for aircraft admonishing lamps, and coaxial feeders for accessory antennas army on the mast. A array of techniques is acclimated to 'isolate' these access from the top RF voltage on the mast, such as chokes, alongside acquainted circuits and coupling loops, on a base-fed mast. On a shunt-fed mast, area the abject is grounded, no such measures are necessary.

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